Calgary deep tissue massage therapy is one of the most well-known kinds of massage and is often used to alleviate persistent pain. Focused pressure is used on the deeper layers of muscle and fascia, the connective tissues surrounding your muscles, to relieve stress and stiffness. Intending to reduce “joint limitations, knots, and adhesions in muscle and fascia,” a deep tissue massage is best for those with a high pain threshold. Kindly read this article to learn the ins and outs of a deep tissue massage clinic in Calgary or elsewhere you live, including its advantages and how it compares favorably against other types of massage.
When Compared To Other Types Of Massage, How Does A Deep Tissue Massage Differ?
It’s a common misconception that a deep tissue massage is just Swedish with more pressure and slower strokes. A deep tissue massage employs forceful, consistent strokes and friction to alleviate tension and assist in the healing of injured muscles and tissue (the connective tissue surrounding your muscles). Deep tissue massage therapy in Calgary and the rest of the world often consists of two main techniques: stripping, which involves gliding pressure down the length of your muscle fibers, and friction, which consists in applying pressure crosswise the grain of your muscle to loosen linkages and rearrange tissue fibers. Following are some benefits of deep tissue massage that differentiate it from other massages.
1. Reduce stress
A deep tissue massage significantly reduces stress. When you need to unwind and chill out for a while, having a massage is a fantastic option. It may reduce the stress hormone cortisol, and the calming hormone oxytocin can be increased with a massage. It helps alleviate the somatic manifestations of stress, such as tense shoulders, muscles, and headaches. You may relieve tension and stress with the aid of a deep tissue massage in Calgary and all over the world that targets these specific areas.
2. Dampens pain
Deep tissue massage is effective in treating a variety of medical issues. Massage treatment effectively alleviates various painful conditions, including chronic lower back pain, plantar fasciitis, fibromyalgia, and stiff necks. Increased muscle contractions often accompany severe pain, and deep tissue massage may help by loosening the tight tissue clumps that are the source of the discomfort. Deep tissue massage is more successful than medicine or other medical therapies for alleviating chronic pain and is often more cost-efficient.
3. Slows down both the heart rate and blood pressure
Pressure and tension are reduced by a deep tissue massage, which in turn lowers blood pressure. All three measures of blood pressure are positively affected by massage, arterial, diastolic and systolic. Produce the feel-good hormone serotonin more significantly after a massage. Tissue damage from scars is reduced, enabling more mobility. Scar tissue may cause persistent discomfort and stiffness in affected regions. Frequent deep tissue massages are highly recommended to minimize the effects of scar tissue and restore mobility and flexibility to the affected area. When recuperating from surgeries, many doctors recommend getting a deep tissue massage to reduce the amount of scar tissue in the affected area.
4. Symptom reduction in Arthritis
People living with Arthritis may alleviate their pain, stiffness, decreased range of movement in joints, and disturbed sleep using deep tissue massage treatment. Light to moderate pressure may relieve arthritic pain and stress, making it more straightforward for those with the condition to get about. The pain relief it provides might also aid sleep for those with Arthritis.
5. Empowers weak or hurt muscles
A deep tissue massage benefits those with damaged muscles because it may release built-up tension and untwist knots. When it comes to sports ailments, deep tissue massage therapy is a commonly used treatment option. Since deep tissue massage has been shown to reduce muscular tiredness, soreness, and the risk of injury, it is increasingly used by athletes as part of their post-workout recovery plans.
Calgary Deep Tissue Massage treatment may be helpful for a wide range of people, including athletes, those with Arthritis, and expectant mothers. A deep tissue massage has several health advantages for the body and the mind, making it more than just a luxury service or a treat for oneself. If you can afford it, see a Calgary Muscle & Soft Tissue Clinic as frequently as you’d like; even once every few months is well worth it.