How to Avoid Marital Stress that Leads to Drug Addiction?


Stress can be defined as an emotional or physical pressure that causes certain hormones in the brain to be released by the body itself. These physical, as well as emotional changes, gear up the body to respond to the stress in any possible way. Blood sugar and blood pressure levels increase on the spot, the heart starts beating fastly, and muscles get too tense. Stress can be categorized into two main kinds.


  1. Short-term stress- Can cause discomfort, disturbing, and irritating symptoms. But in this kind of stress, the person remains able to manage any situation and handle the wrongs done to him
  2. Long-term stress- There may occur a serious health problem, which can affect both physically and mentally. 


Causes of Stress

Long-term stress can be caused by any serious issue like: 

  • divorce
  • death of a loved one
  • illness
  • serious and chronic health issues
  • PTSD


Similarly, marital stress can be caused by a lack of control over nerves and emotions, it can also be caused by a lack of support and help in any difficult phase of life. Sometimes any senior staff member can cause a stressful environment for any particular employee. Peers can create a stressful environment, especially for teenagers. Sometimes during any specific but professional task, an insufficient experience may cause a stressful situation.


Why Do People Feel Stressed?

Sometimes a person may face any kind of discrimination at home or at the workplace, this too can cause stress and affect both the physical and mental stress. An interesting fact must be quoted here. Stress is not necessarily a wrong thing, caused by any negative situation only. Sometimes a positive situation may cause a person to get stressed. Like a person attending an office for the first time for a new job. A young girl or boy may be stressed on the happiest day of their lives i.e; at their wedding ceremony. Get support with stress counseling and get your stress reduced.


Stress can be even as addictive in itself as a drug abused by the drug addict. It is because, in addition to adrenaline and noradrenaline hormones, stress also releases dopamine, a chemical that is responsible for creating a feeling of happiness and joy. This feeling may cause the repetition of the action causing the feeling of happiness again and again. So stress though cannot be categorized as a form of addiction, yet it may be as addictive as a drug can be. Another reason for stress being as addictive as drug abuse is that stress and drug abuse can cause similar changes in the brain, thus creating a similar feeling. Drug abuse is dangerous for families too. 


Marital Stress Can Lead To Drug Addiction

The people who experience stress are more vulnerable to drug abuse. It can put people at a higher risk of abusing drugs. The body can respond to stress with different symptoms, ranging from only racing heart, and sweating palms to even insomnia and an inability to make decisions. Try to seek addiction treatment at the beginning of addiction so you can save your life from any big loss.


How To Avoid Marital Stress That Leads To Drug Addiction?

Here are some ways you can avoid marital stress that may lead to drug addiction. 


  • Practicing guided meditation with the help of an expert can help a stressed man in relieving stress. A deep breath can be a very good practice to release stress. This can relieve stressful muscles to calm down and the person feels at ease. 


  • A healthy lifestyle may help any stressed person to get relieved. A healthy lifestyle includes a well-balanced diet, regular exercise, and enough sleep. Any physical activity that makes the person fatigued may cause the stress to release and feel the person comfortable. Also consult an addiction specialist near you. 


  • Another trick to avoid marital stress is to keep concentrated and focused on only a single task. Sometimes multitasking in a worsen mental condition may cause stress to increase. So be focused and do one task at a time to avoid stress. 


  • A person should step away from arguments and loud dialogues with anyone. One should keep calm, take a deep breath if a stressful situation occurs, go for a walk to keep oneself-calm and easy and do some physical activity. 


  • Moving on is a very important strategy in stress relieving in a situation where stress is caused by a failure. One should not stick to that failure. Instead one should take this failure as a step ahead toward success. 


  • Talking about the reason for stress with a near and dear one, who is a keen listener and a sincere adviser may cause the stress to wipe out. Talking about the problem sometimes may lead you to the solutions. An improved and increased connection with other people may release stress and avoid the person indulging in drug abuse.


In A Nutshell…

Marriage can be hard but try to communicate with your spouse. Drug addiction can never justify anything. Do not let a little marital stress destroy your life.