There are many different ways to tell if your Replica Jordan 11 Sneakers are fakes. You can determine the authenticity by looking at several important factors, such as the proportions of the Jumpman logo and stitching. Buying directly from the manufacturer is always the safest bet. But even then, you still need to be aware of several things you should look for. Read on to find out more about the most important factors to consider when purchasing a pair of Jordans.
Authentic vs fake
When buying Nike Air Jordan sneakers, you have to pay attention to details. Look for a stitched internal tag. If it is not there, then the shoe is a fake. The stitching makes the laces longer and more visible, while fake Ai Jordan 11s’ Jumpman shoelaces are merged with the legs. This makes them less noticeable than authentic shoes. If you’re unsure whether a pair of coco sneakers is fake, you can ask the seller to provide better images.
Another telltale sign of fakes is a translucent sole. The real deal has a light blue tint. This is especially visible on the toe box. When they are brand-new, this translucent property makes the shoe look like it is made from glass, but the transparency of the sole fades over time. The translucent sole is also more likely to be a sign of a poor quality retail pair. Visit to buy a pair of coco shoes in handsome price.
Proper proportions of the Jumpman logo
An authentic pair of Air Jordan 11s has a green circle that highlights the Jumpman logo. The Jumpman logo on a fake pair is too skinny compared to the original. Another clue to a fake is the incorrectly positioned Jumpman logo on the insole. The Jumpman logo on a fake pair of shoes is unevenly sized, with some threads overlapping.
Sloppy stitching
Despite its appealing appearance, a replica pair of Jordan 11 sneakers is not exactly what you’d expect. Their stitching density is different, with the real one sporting a dense 25-30 thread count while the fakes have only about 15 threads. There’s another telltale sign – the shoe’s box label. Fake Jordans are thick with letters, whereas the real ones have thin letters and a thin label.
A fake pair’s toe box is smaller than the retail version. While this isn’t a deal-breaker, most replicas feature a lower toe box than the retail version. In addition, the lace tabs on a replica are usually stitched with grey threads instead of white. The latter is often difficult to spot, especially on smaller sizes. So how can you tell if a replica has poor stitching quality?
Proper production date
A key difference between real and fake Air Jordan 11s is the production date on the shoes. If you find a fake one, it is likely made more recently than the real version. Authentic coco sneakers feature a larger font and a smaller barcode, and the production date on a fake shoe is later. Also, authentic shoes have a band of fabric across the tongue with the Jumpman Jordan centering it. Make sure that the color combination is correct as well.
Air Jordan XI 11 was released in 1995/96. Michael Jordan had just come off the bench to lead the Bulls to another championship and become just the second man to win three MVP awards in a single season. In addition, Michael Jordan averaged 30.4 points per game and scored forty or more points in nine games. Ultimately, the Air Jordan 11 became one of the most popular shoes in history. A number of other brands have followed suit, but only Jordan 11 replica sneakers are truly authentic.