The long-awaited release of NBA 2K22 has finally arrived, and with it comes the start of a brand new season of MyCareer gameplay. Are you excited to get the most out of your MyPlayer now that you’ve got your fundamental build sorted out? If you want to specialize in shooting, defense, finishing, or playmaking, taking these badges to the Hall of Fame should be effective for you. It’s up to you to decide which archetype you want to focus on.

These choices should serve as a guide for where you may want to begin experimenting. It is obvious that no badge is perfect for every scenario or MyPlayer build, but they should help point you in the right direction. After that, you are free to use any remaining badge points to purchase silvers or golds in other categories, whichever options make you feel the most at ease.

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This badge, in contrast to Flexible Release, which merely extends the time window during which your abilities are effective, actually ensures that slightly early or late shots are counted as long as you are open to taking them. This minor boost might be all that’s required to earn some additional virtual currency in each and every game, particularly if you’re still relatively early on in your journey to level 99.

Blinders is a badge that, when equipped, prevents any damage to a player’s statistics that may be caused by nearby visual obstructions. If you’re going to be shooting anywhere near the paint, which is a safe assumption given the nature of the game, this badge might give you the advantage you’ve been looking for.

Hunter of Hot Zones: As long as your character has access to Hot Zones, this is a badge that should be prioritized for advancement. To put it more succinctly, it enhances the effectiveness of your MyPlayer in Hot Zones. This badge is a good choice for you to make if your three-point shooting percentage is very high.

Green Machine: The Green Machine was a great addition to NBA 2K21, and it continues to be one of the game’s most important features in 2K22 as well. This shooting badge recognizes your accomplishment of clearing a series of consecutive green shots, as its name suggests. If you can string together even a few greens, the window of opportunity for you to drain even more of them will become enormous. To summarize, NBA 2K MT is useful in the game, a successful run on the Green Machine can result in a rapid accumulation of points.

You need a badge that will reduce some of the impacts that defense has in NBA 2K22’s Deadeye mode, as defense is a very potent stat in this game. You should definitely make use of this because it prevents competitions from being eliminated. This badge has stood the test of time.


The effectiveness of defensive badges has seen a significant increase as a result of the significant overhaul that was done to the defense system in NBA 2K22. You have a lot of options in 2K22 if that’s how your build is designed, but the following are the best of what we’ve been able to test based on what we’ve seen so far.

Rim Protector: Blocks already have a significantly greater impact in NBA 2K22, and this badge boosts that impact even further. Because of this, the chances of you being dunked on are lower, but the chances of you getting blocks are higher. It’s like kryptonite for murderers.

Pick Pocket: Since the steal stat actually matters this year as well, earning this badge will be very beneficial for you. To put it another way, it raises the probability that you will commit theft or strip. When combined with the appropriate statistics, this badge is unbeatable.

When you sand in front of an opponent while the good defense is happening on the court, this badge will cause their attributes to drop. Menace. To put it another way, if you’re facing off against a Floor General, you can use this badge to neutralize their advantage.

Clamps is a game that has stood the test of time, but it is still enjoyable in the year 2K22. It not only makes your cutoffs go by more quickly, but it also makes riding the ball handler simpler. Although these are relatively simple benefits, having them is absolutely necessary if you want your defensive player to be effective.

Intimidator: This badge, along with its companion, Menace, is a great combination because it reduces the effectiveness of shots that are contested by you. Your shot defense ratings will improve as a result, particularly when the guard is tight. In a nutshell, it acts as a buff for you while simultaneously acting as a debuff for everyone else.

Even though Rim Protector can partially nullify the effects of this badge, it is still beneficial to have given the current state of NBA 2K22. Posterize is one of the best finishing badges in NBA 2K22. This year’s game makes dunking significantly more difficult than it was last year, so having a buff that increases your chances of dunking on a defender is a great advantage to have.

Animations in the vicinity of the rim have always been sluggish in 2K games, and that has not changed this year. Fast Twitch: Nevertheless, this badge helps to compensate for that deficiency to a considerable degree. It’s a pretty nice advantage to have if you’re going to be playing in the paint.

Fearless Finisher: With all of the defensive buffs mentioned above, slashers are going to need a badge that allows them to finish through contact. Fearless Finisher is that badge. A player in this position absolutely needs to have this simple but essential buff.

Grace Under Pressure: If you have a really big player on your team, this one will assist them in being able to perform standing layups more effectively. This badge is useful in a variety of contexts because a significant number of high-tier MyPlayer builds continue to emphasize height.

Lob City Finisher: Alley-oops have a new skill ceiling in 2K22, and this badge makes them a bit easier to figure out while you learn the ropes of the adjusted timing. Lob City Finisher: Lob City Finisher is a badge that was added in 2K22. Although it’s possible that this badge will lose some of its significance over time, if you’re just starting out, having it is still a pretty good idea.

The Very Best Playing Abilities in NBA 2K22: Handles for Days:

This badge, as its name suggests, lessens the amount of stamina you lose whenever you make a dribble. It’s a nice basic badge that goes well with a few others and helps build a solid foundation.

If you want to make chaining dribble moves easier than they would be without this badge, you should combine it with the Handles badge because Quick Chain makes it easier to do so. It’s a pretty devastating one-two punch if you can chain moves more effectively and experience less stamina loss.

Ankle Breaker is a tried-and-true move that has retained its usefulness up through 2K22. When biting in the wrong direction, it makes defenders more likely to lose their balance and fall. With all of the dribble buffs that were mentioned above, this badge has the potential to make your opponents look like fools.

Unpluckable: This year, stealing has been rebalanced and improved; therefore, use this badge to reduce the frequency with which you are stripped. It gives you the opportunity to practice those bounces with a little bit more leeway.

Quick Start: Earning this badge will increase the speed at which you launch after completing triple threats and size-ups. There are a lot of chances for a good counterattack, which is encouraging considering how good the defenders are in 2K22.

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