Since then, paraffin- and soy-based candles have become a part of our home decor. These candles can be used to create an atmosphere. However, paraffin and soy do not compare to beeswax, which is the oldest known candle material.
You can read on to find out more about natural bees wax candles as well as how they can transform your life and improve your health.
Beeswax Is Great For Respiratory Systems
About 1 in 13 people are affected by asthma symptoms. You’ll soon see the need to use health-friendly candles to protect our lungs.
Beeswax has the answer. While candles made from beeswax are not manufactured with chemical additives, the wax itself is organic. Beeswax products and pillars are hypoallergenic, which means they are safe to burn even for those with asthma.
Beeswax Can Be Used In All-Natural Ways
Let’s face it, nothing in paraffin-based candles can be considered organic. The use of difficult-to-recycle artificial chemical substances is common to make paraffin candles. Paraffin candle manufacturers are a major source of chemical waste. This is comparable with air pollution and the use of fossil fuels.
Beeswax, however, is a natural product. There is no need to use any chemicals when making beeswax candles, meaning that the process is environmentally-friendly. Beeswax candles are eco-friendly and can be recycled.
Beeswax Increases The Quality Of Your Air
You are actively improving the quality and quantity of the air that you inhale by lighting beeswax. Although this sounds a bit absurd, beeswax can produce negative ions. Negative ions can be used to eliminate air pollutants, protect you from dust, and combat mould. Beeswax, while it can be replaced by commercial air-ionizers, is still a wonderful accessory for home decor
Responsible Beekeeping Supported By Beeswax
A minimum of one-third of all global food production depends on some kind of pollination, the bees being the largest pollinator means that humanity is at risk of starvation if it doesn’t have them. The lack of financial support and rising levels of pollution are threatening healthy bee colonies.
When you buy beeswax products, your money is going to beekeepers that have the primary goal of keeping bees healthy. Beeswax candles are long-lasting and offer excellent value.
Beeswax Protects Your Eyesight
Artificial light sources are everywhere in the modern world. The vast majority of artificial light sources are extremely harmful to our eyes. The same applies to soy-based and Paraffin candles. These candles often emit bright light, which can be dangerous to your retina, especially if you use them frequently.
Beeswax is a lower-intensity, cooler-colored light, which makes it more enjoyable to look at, and also less harmful to your eyesight than some other options.
Beeswax Candles Make No Soot And Don’t Drip
It is common for paraffin and Soy candles to drip or produce a lot of smoke to occur. The majority of scented candles you will find in supermarkets already come packaged in glass containers. Beeswax, however, has a higher melting point at 60°C. . Burning beeswax produces little drip and no soot. Beeswax can outlast any soy candle or paraffin because it produces very little drip.
Beeswax Makes A Natural Perfume
You have probably bought chemically scented candles at least one time if you’ve ever visited a large home store. These candles are great for setting a festive mood, but the paraffin-based products don’t last as long and leave behind a noticeable artificial smell. Beeswax, which is naturally scented, gives off a pleasant and distinctive aroma of honey or flower nectar.
Beeswax For Children Is Safe
Children, especially newborns, tend to have weaker respiratory systems than adults. Soy-based and paraffin-based candles containing chemical scents can lead to new allergies, asthma symptoms, or labored breathing in healthy children. Beeswax does not contain chemical compounds, so it is completely safe to use with children.