Enhance User Interaction with Progressive Web Apps



PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) are the next big thing in the world of the mobile web and test automation. They’ve recently received a lot of attention due to the ease with which they can be developed and the excellent user experience they provide. Modern Online Applications and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are built with a variety of technologies to combine the best of web and native app features. One such feature is the option to “add to the home screen,” which is enabled by websites that match PWA-specific criteria (Pic.1). Building a PWA, on the other hand, necessitates a significant amount of time and effort in terms of planning, designing, creating, and testing. This is how a PWA with the ‘Add to Home Screen’ feature                                       Pic.1

What is a Progressive Web App (PWA)?

PWAs are modern day web apps that take advantage of the latest web technologies to allow users to install the app on their device exactly like a native app. After that, the PWA can act like a native app, with features such as push notifications, work offline mode, geolocation, and device hardware access, among others.

For a better understanding of the differences between PWA, native, and responsive web apps, consider the following:


A PWA isn’t created with a single technology. You can’t tell if an app is a PWA just by looking at it, so make sure it fits the requirements to be designated into a progressive web app. They are:

>Easily Discoverable: Should be easily discoverable on the search engines.
>Progressive Enhancement: PWA should be able to work across all mobile web browsers.
>Easily installable: App icons should be available for user’s device home screen
>Linkable URL: Each page of a PWA should be clickable using unique URL
>Re-engageable: Should re-engage users with updates and new content when they are not using web browser actively.
>Responsively designed: web pages should work on both desktop browsers and all mobile device and tablet screens.
>secure: backed by secure protocols

>Work offline: PWA should make sure that the URLs work even with no network connection.
Google has defined three must haves for PWAs, i.e., they must be reliable, fast, and engaging. 

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Turn your online app to a Progressive Web App (PWA).

Converting your modern day web application to a PWA has numerous benefits. It provides consumers with an application that is a lot more interactive, enhanced, powerful, and reliable. In the steps below, we’ll look at how we can get started with PWAs.

Getting Started

As we understand what PWAs are and how they are different from other apps, let us see how we can turn a next.js app into a PWA app. 

  • Use the following command to turn your Next.js web app to PWA.

npx createnextapp pwaexample

  •  Install dependency for turning the app to PWA

yarn add nextpwa

  • Now create a file in the root folder named next.config.js and insert the following code in it.

const withPWA = require(‘next-pwa’)

module.exports = withPWA({

  pwa: {

    disable: process.env.NODE_ENV === ‘development’,

    register: true,

    scope: ‘/app’,

    sw: ‘service-worker.js’,



Source: logrocket.com

  • Create  manifest.json file  in your the public folder. This manifest.json file is required for every PWA, it provides the info of the app in JSON format. 

Your manifest.json file should look like this:

Source: logrocket.com

  • In this step, use PWA Manifest Generator to generate manifest.json files and icons in just a few seconds. 
  • After the above step, put all the content into a public folder.
  • Now, a Next.js PWA will start functioning completely, offering all the benefits of a PWA.


Progressive web apps are not only an edge on modern app testing techniques but also the latest standard to building stronger and better web applications by making the best use of web and native technologies. The relation between progressive web apps and user experience is very organic. The Progressive web app design allows us to create mobile compatible websites without losing existing features. With the help of PWA best practices, you can leverage the advantages of a web application, you can certainly create a highly compelling and flexible platform for your end users.

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