How To Help Your Child Get – And Stay – Organized


We have seen many students asking their mates and parents to please write my essay. It is okay if they are fed up with their routine and want a break but it is not okay to ask someone to write an essay for me. The parents who support this behavior of their children, really need to analyze what long-term harm they are bringing to their kids. If you think you are doing them a favor then apologies to break this but no, it is not a favor! Letting your child do whatever they want and supporting them in all their decisions is not a favor. You need to keep things clear that academic work must be done by students themselves only. Students who keep on taking academic help without any genuine reason have no sense of responsibility and always end up failing their papers. This is why organizational skills in students are important.

They make them sensible, responsible, and independent. Otherwise, you will always find your kids taking help from others. There will be no contribution from their side whenever needed. However, if you are already working on bringing your kids back to the track but finding it difficult, check out the below points. They are fail-proof and 100 percent workable.

  • Ask Them To Make A To-Do List 

A To-do list works excellently to instill organizational skills in your children. The task doesn’t require any rocket science. The way your kids get the timetable for their classes, the same way they will have to make a schedule to study at home. All the academic tasks they plan to finish in a day must be mentioned in this list and a specific timeline should be set for each task. I also recommend making a monthly schedule so students can highlight important dates like examinations and assignment submission.

  • Break Tasks In Smaller Chunks 

Next, we have breaking bigger tasks into smaller ones. Most of the students run away from work because of the length of the work assigned to them. If your kid is one of them, think about breaking up their tasks. What work takes an hour to be completed in one go, it is okay if your child is completing it in 1.5 hours. I personally know students who work superbly on smaller tasks but when you bring the bigger ones, it will trigger their anxiety. Also, let your children complete their work the way they want. Remember, what suits you might not suit them and vice versa.

  • Organize A Study Space 

During the covid lockdowns, many schools issued a notification to parents to help their children organize a study space at home. Until I saw the results, I also didn’t know the worth but now I am totally a fan of this trick. The more your kid’s study station will be organized; the better will be their performance. It is a tried and tested trick of experts. It is good to get your child a nice table, some cute stationery and a comfortable chair. This will definitely help them better their concentration. Also, please make sure the study station is away from distractions and there is no disturbing noise.

  • Help Them DE Clutter Their Mind 

Many students today are juggling a lot of things simultaneously. As a result, they get angry easily, lose their mind and actually get aggressive. If you are also witnessing some of the traits like these in your kids, your kids need help then. Here I would ask you to become friends with them. Help them free up some space and engage them in co-curricular activities. If your child is a fan of sports, get them admitted to a sports complex. Coding is again an excellent activity if your kid is interested. Otherwise, we all know how many YouTube channels are there teaching exceptional arts and crafts.

  • Host Play Dates 

Organizational skills are not only about keeping things in place and dressing well; they are also about how an individual interacts with others and maintain their communications. For that purpose, I always recommend parents to host play dates for their children. I believe school only is not where your children will learn to interact with others. You must provide them similar opportunities at home too such as hosting play dates. The more time your kid will interact with others, the more organized they will become.

  • Give Them Breaks

Even in weekdays if you feel the impression of burnout in your children, let them have a break. Today, many schools offer online as well as offline school opportunities. If you have this favor from your child’s institution too, let them take online classes if they don’t want to go to school. We know they get weekends off but remember, studies are tough today and your kid may need time to process it all. Be slow and gradual with them, don’t rush! Also, don’t forget to take them out for dinner or ice cream on weekends.

  • Let Them Clean Their Room

I seriously don’t like mommies who don’t let their kids do anything at home! Like common lady, you kid is grown up now let them clean their own litter! What many mothers do they think their child is working very hard and therefore, offer everything on the desk to them. Mama bears, please don’t do this. Let your kid make their favorite pasta themselves and later ask them to load the dishwasher, there is nothing wrong with it. Also, make sure you let your kids clean their room. This will definitely contribute to making them more mindful and organized.

  • Don’t Forget To Focus On Yourself Too 

I cannot fill a cup if my own is empty. I am happy, I am loved, I am respected and I am exactly how a mom needs to be. Repeat this affirmation after me and make sure you take 2 minutes out every day to repeat this. Remember, a happy mama makes happy babies. Focus on yourself so you can focus on your kids. If you are organized, so will your kids. Don’t teach them, be an example for them! This is the best you will do to get and keep your children responsible and organized.


If you really wish to do your kids a favor, don’t say yes to please ‘write my essay’ request. This is the worst parents do. We know your intentions are pure and you really want to help your child but kids are smarter these days. They will take this permission as an excuse to take favors every day. Don’t promote this. Instead, keep a strict eye on their work and check out their schedules. This will definitely add value in keeping them organized.