Updated Talaq Nama Divorce Stamp Paper Pakistan


Updated Talaq Nama Divorce Stamp Paper Pakistan:

If you wish to get updated talaq nama divorce stamp paper Pakistan or want to know how to file khula in Pakistan, you may contact us. While a father will not lose his rights to guardianship regardless of his failure to perform his duties as a protector and caretaker for his children, mothers lose the custody of their children regardless of whether it is in their best interests in talaq nama divorce stamp paper Pakistan or want to know how to file khula in Pakistan.

Child Interest:

In all instances, the child’s interest must be at the forefront of any reforms to these discriminatory rules regarding guardianship and custody, considering the government’s stated dedication to the principle of best interests already. RECOMMENDATIONS We would like to encourage the CEDAW committee to encourage the State party: Guardianship for the child, i.e., to determine all issues relating to the well-being of the child, their upbringing, as well as the education and welfare of the child, is not a right to discriminate against a male or female.  Eliminate the provisions of the law that entitle women to the right to the custody of their children if she marries; Change the law to allow equal rights to child guardianship and grant the right of guardianship to the mother when she is granted custody of the child after talaq nama divorce stamp paper Pakistan or want to know how to file khula in Pakistan.


There isn’t a law in place to punish domestic violence within Pakistan. Sexual aggression is also not legalized, and cases of violence in the family can only be prosecuted as the general battery or assault charges.[9 The article 20 in Pakistani Basic Law.

How to File Khula in Pakistan:

Article 20 of Pakistani Basic Law on talaq nama divorce stamp paper Pakistan or want to know how to file khula in Pakistan asserts that no one should be subjected or mental torture for arousal or humiliating treatment, and it obligates the law to penalize anyone who engages in these acts.[1010 Honor-based violent acts: The Penal Code of 1974 contains certain general rules which apply to domestic violence. However, it doesn’t specifically prohibit rape in marital relationships. Article 38(2) in the Penal Code provides that punishment within the bounds of public custom is not considered to be a crime.

Article 252:

Article 252 provides for a reduction in penalties if an offense is committed by a person who discovers his wife or female friend committing adultery and instantly kills or hurts the victim or their partner. Based on the 2013 Social Institutions and Gender Index: Domestic violence after talaq nama divorce stamp paper Pakistan or want to know how to file khula in Pakistan is thought to be common in Pakistan; however, it is not generally acknowledged in reports from the media or in official publications. The prosecution of spousal violence allegations is extremely rare.

Female Genital Circumcision / Mutilation (FGM):

Numerous sources indicate a large number of female circumcisions and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Pakistanis. According to the 1999 National Health Survey, 85 percent of women are in favor of the circumcision of girls, and 53% have previously been circumcised. [1212 An independent study in 2014 titled “Female Genital Mutilation in the Sultanate of Pakistan” discovered the following: 64% of female respondents believed the practice of FGM continued to be practiced within the family.