5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Buying Used iPhones


Mobile devices, especially iPhones, are always in stock for sale. Every year, Apple, the mother company, announces the release of a new model, and everyone goes after it. Another year comes and a new one is released. Most people who use the previous edition may decide to sell it to make way for the new model. 

If you’re interested in getting a used iPhone device, you’re not alone. Come along as we consider the benefits or reasons why you should have no doubt going for a pre-loved iPhone over a new iPhone. 

Saves Money

Buying a new iPhone is a great way to save money. The cost is lower than a newly released iPhone. For instance, a used iPhone XR for sale will be lower than retail prices for a new one. Depending on where you purchased it, used iPhones can offer you great value for your money.

A regular feature most new iPhone variants possess is an upgrade in screen size and camera quality. These two pieces are the main reasons why one will preferably choose an iPhone 13 over an iPhone 11. The regular software and security updates will still be available for a pre-loved iPhone 11. Even a used iPhone XS Max will still get such tools, making it a useful and functional design

If you’re a content creator or vlogger who aims for a higher camera pan and quality, used iPhones can still deliver a great result at a lesser price. But if you have an extra budget for the newest iPhone with pristine camera quality, then you should go for it.

High-Quality Design and Stability 

Apple as a company offers high-quality designs for all its products consistently. Unless you’re a professional smartphone reviewer, it is visually challenging to differentiate between new and used Apple iPhones

Chances are high that they may be the same design, with only a few differing features. There is little difference between a used iPhone XS and a used iPhone XS Max regarding designs. Because of this, people who buy used iPhones can enjoy them for years, and they will still be regarded in vogue. 

Good Resale Value 

A regularly asked question among phone users is if an iPhone is worth it? We understand that all used phones may reduce in value once a new edition is released by its manufacturer. 

All Apple products have a strong resell value based on the company’s reputation. In comparing Android vs. iPhone, you can find an iPhone XR used price will be higher than most recently released Android devices. 

Buying a used iPhone can still give you the same value for years to come. Depending on how you manage your used iPhone, it can still have a good resale price. 

Saves the Environment

While we’ve seen that used iPhones still have good functions, receive upgrades, etc., it is a great way to protect the environment from further degradation, too. 

More electronic items produced require ecologically dangerous materials. The fact that more gadgets are made increases the rate of electronic waste to the ground. While there are regulations for the safe disposal of used cell phones, not everyone abides by them.

Going for used iPhones is a great way of protecting your environment. It saves the cost of destroying gadgets when you buy used cell phones. One scary statistic is that phone manufacturing accounts for over 80% of environmental carbon emissions. 

You can protect the environment from further damage by buying a used iPhone. Thus, reducing the carbon footprint, emissions, and high landfill cost for dangerous electronic equipment. 

It Is Easy to Find 

It is relatively easy to get a used iPhone device anywhere. You can go on Facebook, DoneDeal, eBay, etc., and go through a list of options available. If you prefer physical interaction, there are several retail shops where you can buy used iPhones. 

However, ensure that you only buy at reputable and popular physical stores with an address. 

Tips to Consider 

If you’re ready to buy a used iPhone, there are important factors to consider. There is a great difference between going for the safe bet. In offering these tips, we have considered the best way to save you the stress of buying and having issues with the iPhone data recovery. 

Can Work with Your Carrier?

In recent years, Apple has implemented features that allow iPhones to be used for all carrier networks. In the US, almost all new versions of the iPhone brand allow for major network carriers to be supported. 

However, any device you consider the best iPhone for your budget must support your network carrier. This includes considering the model number. 

Some differences in the iPhone X series reflect in the carrier they support. Before moving to purchase anyone, it is a good idea to find out the details and ensure it is compatible with the carrier you use. 

Don’t Buy a Stolen iPhone

While it is wise to buy used iPhones, the risk that it was stolen will always be there. A few features to look out for include that it may be activation locked and won’t recognize sim cards put inside. This risk is even higher when buying a used iPhone from a private seller. Most top iPhone resellers will confirm such features before selling them. 

Here are some details to look for to protect yourself from potential arrest over possession of a stolen used iPhone.

  • Confirm the IMEI number in the settings if you’re meeting the seller physically. Then, search online for IMEI checks to confirm it has not been reported stolen. 
  • Insert a sim card and confirm it works. If the device requires an owner ID, it is activation locked. 

The Battery Life

We understand you need your device to perform different functions, like watching movies. Hence, it is wise to go over the battery health first. Many sellers want to get rid of their iPhones because of their poor battery life. 

A used iPhone provides you with many options, but you may have a hard time if it has weak battery health. To confirm this, scroll to the settings and click on battery. Tap “Battery health” and confirm the battery life. The closer it is to 100%, the safer your option is. However, anything under 80% is a bad choice. 


iPhones are one of the best mobile brands in the technology market. Among its features are a tough security encryption network, HD camera, and high screen resolution. These factors, among others, are why its value does not drop easily. Getting a used iPhone saves you money while enjoying the perks of modern-day smartphones.