5 Reasons Why Freelancers Make Great Employees

    Freelancers Make Great Employees
    Image Source: Glassdor

    The professional world is changing and evolving at a very rapid rate indeed. There was a time when steady employment via the usual monotonous 9 to 5 job was the dream of every young graduate fresh out of professional school. The parents of such people used to pray that their progeny get jobs in good organizations where they would go to work formally dressed, every day for the rest of their lives.

    However, the gig economy has changed all of that and now, freelancers are the answer to every employer’s hopes and dreams. Let us check out the five key reasons why freelancers are considered absolutely ideal employees:

    1.Why hiring freelancers is a good idea

    It is always a very good idea to hire remote contractors otherwise known as freelancers. Not only do they make very good employees, but they are also great with deadlines and churning out awesome deliverables. This is because they know they are in an intensely competitive field. Unlike a conventional business where an employer only has access to CVs from a limited geographical location, the freelancer’s world spans the whole globe. 

    These people know they have to compete with others like them from literally every country on the planet! This is why they give their very best and deliver outstanding quality, all the time, every time. They know that should they become lax in any way, there are literally thousands of people who are eager and more than willing to pick up the slack. 

    2. They have awesome time management skills

    Unlike a conventional employee who is paid for the time, he spends at your office. A freelancer will only get paid for the work he or she performs. This means that they have to manage their time much better than any other employee. Since they (usually) get paid by the hour, they make every hour as productive as possible. They won’t go home every time the clock strikes 6 leaving all their work behind.

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    On the contrary, their work follows them everywhere. It doesn’t matter if they are at home or on a vacation, the odds are that they take their laptops with them, wherever they are and wherever they go. Here, choosing the right projects to maximize their output becomes a skill set in itself.

    3. They have great decision-making skills 

    Since they have neither office colleagues to go to, nor do they have the ear of the senior management of a company, they rely on their own selves for everything. This means they can make snap decisions and those decisions usually turn out great for their employers. They are always calm and stable since panicking won’t resolve anything and they might lose their gig altogether. This is why they are always highly responsive and owe up to any mistakes they make. 

    4. They both understand as well as respect their respective fields 

    Since a typical freelancer is a one-man show, it makes a lot of sense for them to become very responsible. They market their own talents and also negotiate with their clients, close any deals and always maintain a razor-tight schedule, even if it means staying up late at night or working on weekends. They will file their own taxes, and generally handle everything themselves. This makes them ideal people to deal with any work-related emergency. 

    5. They are agile enough to be very rapid learners

    They know that theirs is a very fast-paced and constantly changing work environment. This is why they are almost always the first ones to try out new software and new ways of doing things. Unlike conventional hidebound office workers, they don’t shy away from learning new technologies and ideas.  They will be the first ones to embrace positive changes in any way. 


    The average freelancer always makes a great employee since such people are always sure of their own strengths and capabilities. They also know just what needs to be done, and when. They are very particular about their deadlines. Since they work in an extremely competitive environment, such remote workers are always willing and able to go the extra mile when it comes to the satisfaction of their clients and the achievement of their targets.