5 Advantages of Adding an Awning to Your Home


Are you looking for ways to add value to your home but you’ve already thought about everything and nothing comes to mind? How about adding an awning?

An awning is a great, cost-effective way not only to add value to your house but so much more. Among many things, installing an awning can change the look of your house and make it more aesthetically pleasing.

Before we showcase all the advantages of adding an awning to your home, let’s just make clear we all know what is an awning.

What’s an awning?

An awning can be described as a roof-like cover that is attached to the exterior of your home, above windows, doors, and overhanging a patio, deck, or porch. It’s usually made of waterproof fabric and it provides cover from the elements.

Probably the best thing about awnings is that they can be retractable, which means that depending on your need, you can open and close them. However, they are permanent structures fastened to your house.

Now that we have that covered, let’s discuss reasons why awnings can be a great addition to your home.

1.      Cost saving

The first major advantage of adding an awning to your home is that it saves you money. We all know how high energy bills can be but it’s either paying the bills or freezing during the winter and boiling during the summer.

Adding an awning to your windows and patio doors can significantly reduce those energy bills. During the summer months, the awning will provide protection from harsh sunlight and also reduce the solar heat that enters through your windows and patio doors.

In turn, this means less use of the AC. You will no longer need to leave your AC working constantly throughout the day. Automatically, this leads to lower energy bills at the end of each month.

Similarly, just like awnings protect you during the summer, they can do the same during the winter. If you opt for a retractable awning, you can let the sun get through the windows and you will have light and warmth.

By adding an awning to your home you can annually save up to $200!

2.      Environmentally friendly

This second advantage is closely related to the previous one. It’s high time we all started caring a little more about our environment if we want to keep living on this planet. Fortunately, there are many ways that can help us live more sustainably and eco-friendly.

One such way is adding an awning to your house. As we mentioned, an awning can significantly reduce the use of ACs and as such reduce the usage of energy in your home. And less energy usage reduces the carbon footprint. Lower chances of greenhouse gas emissions equal fewer chances of global warming. And all this contributes to a greener planet.

So, if you decide to install an awning to your windows and doors, you will be reducing energy usage, and in that way, you’ll live more sustainably.

3.      Provides shade and cover from external elements

Having an awning is a great way to make the most out of your outdoor area. Practical outdoor awnings can provide both shade and cover from the elements (sun, rain, snow), and in that way also maximize the time you spend on your patio or deck.

Harmful UV rays are significantly stronger during the summer months and prolonged exposure to them can negatively affect your health and the health of your loved ones. By installing an awning, you can protect yourself and your family from up to 98% of the UV rays. Also, an awning not only reduces direct sunlight but the temperature on the deck or patio.

In addition to offering you protection from the elements, an awning also protects your home. The more your house is exposed to the elements the faster it deteriorates. And an awning can protect your windows from sun and rain damage, it can prevent the water from getting into the foundation, and it can protect your outdoor furniture from the elements as well.

4.      Adds value

With an awning, not only is your house protected but it’s also enhanced. An awning can increase the value of your home. Regardless of whether you’re planning to sell the house or not, finding useful and smart ways to raise the value of your home is always a good idea.

Installing an awning may be on the pricy side, but it’s a good investment that will certainly pay off in more ways than one. An awning can extend the living space of your house, reduce energy costs, protect your house, and all that only adds to the value of the house.

The best thing about awnings is that they come in many different fabrics and fabric colors. This allows you to match your indoor style and design with outdoor ones. With an awning, you can extend your living room and decorate it however you want.

5.      Easy to maintain and versatile

Many types of awnings are very versatile and above all, easy to maintain. You can choose the awning of your liking from several different materials – metal, cloth, or wood and various acrylic fabrics. Whichever you choose you won’t be wrong.

However, probably the easiest one to maintain is precisely the acrylic fabric. It’s water repellent and mildew resistant, which makes her easy to maintain.

Generally, for most awnings the upkeep is easy, all you need to do is start by brushing off any dirt, then use some cleaning solution and brush to thoroughly clean the fabric, and then let the solution soak into the fabric. And finally, rinse the fabric off and let it air dry. Pretty straightforward maintenance. With such maintenance, your awning can last over 10 years!

Primarily, awnings are used as protection from the sun. They provide cover and shade during the long summer months. But, as you can see, awnings have more advantages than strict sun protection.

If you were considering installing an awning but had your doubts, we hope we managed to clear those doubts completely. An awning is a good investment that can pay off greatly for many different reasons.