4 Reasons to Get A DNA Test 


DNA test has become an essential part of our lives. It helps us find out what we are and where we come from. This can be useful for many reasons. For example, DNA testing can help you determine if you have an ancestor who lived in the United States or Europe, and it can also help you find living relatives. 

DNA testing is a process that uses DNA analysis to determine genetic information about an individual. The result of a DNA test can help identify relationships between family members, determine paternity, and provide evidence in criminal investigations. 

A person’s genome consists of all the genes they have inherited from their parents. Each gene comprises DNA, composed of four chemical bases represented by the letters A, T, G, and C. When a doctor orders a DNA test on you, he will look for specific gene variations called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).  

SNPs are particular locations in your genome where one base pair (A-T or G-C) differs from person to person. For example, if you carry two copies of the T base at position one on your 16th chromosome, you will have the TT genotype at SNP rs10118336. 

You can get a DNA test done at DNA testing Memphis TN. We promise you that it is worth the small amount of money involved. 

Types of DNA test  

The most common types of DNA testing are: 

  1. Autosomal DNA test 

Autosomal DNA is located on all chromosomes except sex chromosomes (X and Y). An autosomal test is used to determine your heritage and ethnicity, including possible medical conditions that may run in your family. 

  1. Y-Chromosome Test 

The Y chromosome is one of two sex-determining chromosomes in mammals (the other being the X chromosome). A Y-chromosome test looks at the Y-DNA passed down from father to son for generations and can be used for genealogy research. 

  1. Mitochondrial DNA Test 

Mitochondria are organelles located within our cells that convert nutrients into energy. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is passed down by mothers only. It is used to trace maternal ancestry and can help determine if there are any biological relatives out there that you may not know about! 

  1. Whole Genome Sequencing 

A whole-genome sequencing test analyzes all 23 chromosomes, including your mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosome. It provides a complete picture of your genetic makeup, including information about your risk for specific medical conditions like cancer or Alzheimer’s disease. 

Here are four reasons to get a DNA test: 

  1. To gain knowledge about your ancestry and know whether or not someone is your biological parent or sibling.

You might be interested in where your ancestors came from and their heritage when they were alive. You may have heard stories about your family history but never knew if they were true or not until now. A DNA test can tell where your relatives came from, how long ago they left their homeland, how many generations ago they arrived in America, who else came over with them, and much more! 

Whether because of adoption or an affair outside of marriage, sometimes people don’t know who their true parents are until later in life. With a simple DNA test, anyone can find out if they were adopted — and even if they have any biological siblings out there somewhere! 

  1. Improve your health by learning how your genes affect you. 

If you have a family history of certain diseases, or if you want to know more about yourself, DNA testing may be able to help. These tests can also tell you whether or not you’re at risk for certain types of cancer and other illnesses. Then, if something happens, you’ll be prepared to take action right away! 

  1. Help with medical treatment. 

If you have an undiagnosed illness or condition, a doctor may request that you take a DNA test as part of the diagnostic process. A genetic test can identify specific gene mutations that cause certain diseases and disorders. For example, if you have unexplained bleeding or bruising, you might be asked to take a blood sample for testing.  

Likewise, if you have symptoms of Huntington’s disease (like jerky movements) or Alzheimer’s disease (like memory loss), your doctor may recommend having your blood drawn for genetic testing. Some people also choose to undergo genetic testing to learn about their risk factors for developing certain diseases. 

  1. Determine paternity or maternity.  

Sometimes when people get married or have children together, they aren’t sure who their child’s birth father is and need to find out before it’s too late. In some cases, genetic testing can help resolve paternity issues. This type of testing is also used when determining maternity rights for mothers who don’t know who the father of their child is and want to find out before it’s too late. 


Whether you have a burning desire to find out more about your ancestry or would love a little motivation to live a better lifestyle, knowing what’s working in your DNA and what isn’t is an enlightening process. If you need more information about your health, where you came from, and how best to treat yourself (or your loved ones), why not give a DNA test a shot?