10 Excel Functions for Healthcare Professionals to Save Time and Money


Many non-accountants accomplish their jobs successfully with the help of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet application. In the healthcare industry, many jobs are related to numbers where one may use some assistance.

To do them successfully, using Microsoft Excel’s various functions will be a time and money-saving option. Excel has changed the way data is managed. So, if you don’t use Excel in your healthcare business, you should rethink it again.

In the medical field, Microsoft Excel is finding a home. Its functions can produce, collect, and analyze a mountain of data. People in healthcare need to figure out how to handle the data for the sake of the company and the patients. The repercussions of carelessly taking crucial data could be substantial.

Nevertheless, despite all the advantages, many professionals still have trouble mastering Excel. Twelve percent of spreadsheets done by novice individuals possess errors. Errors in patient care, EHR administration, and shift staffing may risk patients’ lives and ruin your firm.

If you know how to use the right software, the computers at your company could serve as an excellent resource for resolving such problems. When used correctly, Microsoft Excel can be a helpful tool for doctors.

How Do You Define Excel Tools?

Excel’s time-saving capabilities make organizing statistics and data computations easier. They are effective and practical for companies of any size. Each of the approximately 500 features helps with a unique issue.

The professional world relies on various tools, some of which serve a single purpose while others serve many purposes. When dealing with a medical emergency, you may not always have the time to familiarize yourself with Excel’s abilities.

If that’s the case, enrolling in some classes taught by a reputed source could be a good idea. Excel classes and instruction can be acquired from a variety of sources nowadays.

Choosing a source that provides both live and recorded lessons is advisable. Many satisfied customers have highly praised Excel training from Acuity Training. They have been offering excellent classroom experiences since 2002. 

However, recently, they launched a website for management and soft skills training in Guildford and London. Before committing to such a service provider, be sure you’ve done your research. Financial analysts in healthcare and agriculture use Excel features similar to bankers.

What Makes Excel’s Features So Valuable?

Excel is equipped with a set of tools that may be pretty useful. They aid firms in several ways, including stock analysis, budgeting, and data organization. Popular structured data solutions may help the healthcare business improve efficiency and profitability.

In addition, they provide advanced plug-ins and extensions to solve complex issues. Microsoft Excel continually generates new add-ons and tools to make spreadsheet upkeep easier.

  • Excel functions include large data volumes, and complex computations can be processed efficiently.
  • Data collection and management are simplified with the use of excel. Sorting, filtering, and automated output may assist manage and evaluate healthcare data.
  • Excel is beneficial since it increases efficiency in the workplace. It helps you develop professionally and go up the ladder.
  • Excel skills indicate competence, expertise, and trustworthiness.
  • Microsoft Excel’s built-in features will save time, labor, and materials. It improves efficiency by solving complex calculations and delivering results on time.

What Excel Functions Should Healthcare Professionals Use?

  • Templates

Microsoft’s website offers tens of thousands of free Excel templates for download. You may get a hold of a template for an invoice or an expenditure report online and modify it to suit your needs.

Templates help those who don’t know Excel or Accounting 101. If one cell in your custom accounting template isn’t functioning, your financial records will be wrong. The formulae and other details will already be calculated for you in the template.

It is an essential function of excel that healthcare professionals can use.

  • Flash Fill

Microsoft Excel’s flash fill function enables entering data based on surrounding patterns easily. Flash fill analyzes surrounding text to fill up gaps. It may quickly reorder medicines or item names.

To employ flash fill, blank columns must be created next to the filled-in ones. Fill in the column with the information you need to view.

Meanwhile, flash fill will automatically locate the necessary information and input it for you. If any of the data entered is wrong, you may fix it by replacing it and letting the tool fill in the rest.

  • Easy-to-Make Monitoring Spreadsheets

Lots of stock is involved in the healthcare sector. Keeping tabs on inventory and sales is crucial. The same goes for making sure physicians and patients are okay. It causes the team to amass a large amount of information.

Spreadsheets can be made quickly using Microsoft Excel. Assembling and organizing this data is crucial for stock control. Keeping the material up to date consistently will guarantee its accuracy. Findings from data analysis provide a wealth of knowledge that can be used to enhance service delivery.

  • Data Filters

Applicants who can’t use Excel’s data filters will be disadvantaged. Using data filters to organize, hide, and find spreadsheet data is accessible. Still, if someone faces any issue, they can always take online courses or other training to learn about Microsoft Excel.

  • Countif/Countifs

Microsoft Excel’s COUNTIFS function counts how many cells fit single or multiple criteria. It is possible to utilize COUNTIFS as a worksheet function by entering it as a formula in a worksheet cell.

Some Excel features may seem strange at first. But they become intuitive after taking one Excel class from a credible source.

  • Charts

Making charts to present data is another healthcare skill. It’s no surprise that being able to construct charts in Excel is a highly sought-after talent, given the current climate’s focus on data.

  • Excel-Based Healthcare Tasks Automation

Excel’s ability to automate medical operations may be its best feature. It has the potential to help healthcare professionals by keeping track of medications and sickness labels.

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Excel automation requires VBA programmers (Visual Basic for Applications). The many advantages will outweigh the expenses of using automation for a healthcare company.

  • Create Excel Dashboards

A hospital’s dashboard displays key performance measures to aid data-driven decision-making.

One of the essential tools for healthcare companies is the Excel dashboard. It can turn medical data from lines to intelligible graphs and charts.

Excel’s dashboard capabilities are almost limitless. Once you have decided on the dashboard you’d want to build; there are a few things to keep in mind. It will ensure that you have the information you need and are updated.

  • Formatting Based on Conditions

Spreadsheet irregularities can be quickly identified with the use of conditional formatting. When charging penalties for late payments of any treatment, professionals can use a sum much higher than usual.

Because of the dynamic nature of the data, the formatting in conditional formatting often updates itself.

  • Separate Out the Variables

Information that will be subject to regular revisions should be kept in its spreadsheet. Such as tax information of the healthcare industry. The tax rate should be entered into a separate box at the top of your spreadsheet and labeled.

Instead of including the value in the calculation, highlight it. Other excel users may quickly determine the tax rate from the marked cell. Instead of recalculating everything and rate changes, you will only need one cell update.


Excel may be a healthcare firm’s digital rescuer to simplify and clean EHRs and track cash flow. Professional advice and training are needed for your team to benefit fully from this application. If you read this helpful article written by us, obtaining them will be simple.