What do the Snapchat Ghost Faces Mean


Occasionally you may see Snapchat ghosts on your account, which are mysterious, white shapes. And you may sometimes wonder what do the Snapchat ghost faces mean.  

Ghostface Chillah variations appear next to a user’s friends list in the Added Me section of Snapchat’s mobile app.  

Only Snapchat holders without a custom selfie will have white ghosts next to their usernames if they have not uploaded any selfies to their Snap code.  

The puzzling ghosts are frequently discussed topics since they appear to be randomly generated, and they change frequently. You can even see different ghosts under your username. 

Snapchat Ghosts and Meaning 

Here you will find what do the Snapchat Ghost faces means. There are a number of different Snapchat ghosts available on this list, as well as their meanings and names. Here is the list, which will solve your queries.   

Snapchat Ghost with V-Sign and a Star 

 Snapchat ghosts that form a V sign with crossed fingers, have winked eyes, and have their tongues sticking out suggest an energetic person who is always looking for a fun time.  

Ghost face with heart-eyes:  

Love is evident from such an expression. Symbolizing your love for your lover, girlfriend, family, and other personal relationships, this ghost face represents your feelings for them.  

Maybe someone will appreciate your snaps. You can expect the person you are interacting with to be appreciative of receiving your Snaps or responding to them.  

Ghost face with peace symbol:  

It is a ghost showing a loving and peaceful expression. When you send a ghost face to someone, you are trying to give them some kind of hope.  

Ghost face with blue bubblegum:  

You should either modify your game or send many snaps every day to make your friend feel more entertained. You may wind up dissatisfied with the person if you take another picture in the future. Your best friend may also be taking a nap when you see this ghost.  

Ghost with an angry face:  

The ghost in this case means that your friend is angry with you. There is a possibility of temporarily stopping the snapping or, if necessary, mercifully stopping it at a later time.  

It is a state of mind which is manifested in the form of anger, grumpiness, impatience, etc. When you are receiving this ghost, you should no longer send them snaps.  

Ghost with a joyful face:  

As this happy ghost points out, after seeing your photos on a daily and weekly basis, it would seem that your best buddy is enjoying them. In addition to this, it also means that the person’s face is glowing, and they are unable to hide their emotions anymore. 

Ghost face with tears:  

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Instead of referring to this spirit as a ghost with tears, we like to call it a phantom that laughs out loud. The ghost is often misinterpreted as a sorrowful sign, but that is not the case. Many laughs indicate happiness. You’re keeping your pal very happy if you see this ghost face.  

Ghost face with IDK expression:  

This ghost is confused and feeling dizzy. Ghosts will often appear when strangers are telling you something you already know and then ask you a question you do not know how to answer.  

There is a good chance that your buddy is perplexed by how your friendship has evolved or is unclear as to how things should unfold.  

Shocked ghost face:  

In other words, it means that when a person looks at your picture, they are left in a state of shock.  

There might be a clue as to why the person behaved that way, especially if their expectations and what you convey differ significantly. In addition, it may also indicate that the person has been blocked.  

Crying Ghost face:  

The ghost of your friend suggests that it is because of the lack of a response that you have disappointed, offended, or hurt them.  

Nervous ghost face: Anxiety and nervousness are represented by this ghost. If this is the case, then your friend is truly concerned about the kind of pictures you have been sending them. 

Playful Ghost face:  

This ghost face represents a playful manifestation of mischief. It means your snap buddy is ready for something naughty with you.  

Rock on Ghost face:  

Your initial perception of this ghost might be incorrect. This Ghost is not, despite appearances, giving the middle finger.  

“Rock on.” encourages you to continue snapping. Your snap buddy is enjoying your snaps and wants you to continue.  

No way Ghost face:  

This ghost expresses disbelief. Your friend is in a state of disbelief after seeing your snap as if to say “OMG! No way, that’s so big!”  

Impatient Ghost face:  

As the name implies, this ghost represents impatience. This ghost means that your Snapchat pal is impatiently waiting for you to send them snaps so don’t make them wait for too long!  


Well, these are the known Snapchat ghost faces so far. Maybe Snapchat will introduce more ghost faces in future updates, but for now, these are the ghost faces that you need to know.  

This is important to note, however, that these are all purely speculative descriptions, and therefore, no definitive descriptions can be made as Snapchat has not officially defined the ghosts. There are many new Snapchat icons and features added every day.  

Maybe in one of the upcoming Snapchat updates, Snapchat will shed lighter on the mysterious ghosts and their meanings.