Why Your Facility Needs Emergency Carts


During medical emergencies, the medical staff needs carts and equipment that move with them. Time is of the essence in these situations, and doctors and nurses need fast access to medical supplies and equipment. An emergency cart provides everything the medical staff needs to manage sudden emergencies, and the carts are easy to move throughout the floor. Reading more about the carts shows hospital administrators why these carts are invaluable to everyone in the hospital.

Necessary Equipment to Restart the Heart

Emergency or crash carts have the equipment to manage a sudden patient emergency, and a defibrillator is a common piece of equipment connected to these carts. Doctors can use the defibrillator to resuscitate a patient when their heart stops unexpectedly.

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In a hospital setting, crash carts are provided for each department to manage these emergency situations and avoid a loss of life. A defibrillator provides a jolt of electricity to the heart to revive the person. Hospital administrators learn more about the equipment by contacting an emergency cart manufacturer for more details.

Faster Access to Intubation Supplies

Intubation supplies enable doctors to give the person access to oxygen and regulate breathing. When the airway is restricted, there isn’t enough oxygen flowing to the lungs. Intubation is a process in which the medical staff place tubing through the throat into the windpipe to force oxygen through the airway and connect the tubing to a ventilator.
Easy access to these supplies saves lives and gives the medical staff time to react and restore oxygen to the lungs and prevent permanent brain damage. Lack of oxygen for an extended period increases cognitive decline in the individual, and it could cause permanent damage to other organ systems.

Storage for IV Supplies

Once the individual is admitted to the hospital, the nurses set up an IV to give the person fast access to medications and fluids. The carts are loaded with everything the nurses need to start an IV. Supplies for central lines are also added to the cart for long-term patients. Central lines are IV-like catheters that stay in place for up to one year, and medical staff uses central lines to supply nutrition, fluids, and treatments such as chemotherapy.

Easier Access to Necessary Sterile Items

In emergency situations, doctors and staff need sterile gowns, masks, and supplies to perform on-site procedures. Sterile items protect the person and the staff against germs and contaminants. Some emergent circumstances don’t provide enough time to transfer the patient to an operating room, and the doctors must perform these treatments at the bedside. Common treatments that require these supplies are thoracentesis, cardioversion, and paracentesis.

Easy to Move Products

As emergencies emerge in each department, the medical staff must act quickly, and the emergency carts are easy to move throughout the floor. While they are loaded with supplies, the carts have wheels that make it easier for any nurse or doctor to grab and navigate the cart throughout the space. In emergencies, every second counts, and hospitals need equipment that moves at the same speed as the doctors and nurses.

Emergency or crash carts are essential to saving lives in emergency situations, and the carts contain critical medical supplies. Choosing the most appropriate carts helps medical staff address unexpected emergencies and avoid a loss of life. To learn more about these carts, contact a supplier to review the current product line now.