How to Implement Push Notification in Flutter? – Updated 2022


When users perform some activity within Flutter Mobile Application, for example, accept requests or decline requests for anything generally it’s always necessary to notify users about recent activity. So in this article, we will be through How to implement Push Notification in Flutter?

How to Implement Push Notification in Flutter?

Kindly follow the below steps to implement push notification in Flutter.

Add Dependency

  • For sending push notifications we use a plugin called firebase_messaging. Open your pubspec.yaml file and add this dependency.
dependencies: firebase_messaging: ^6.0.9

Firebase Account

  • Make sure you have a firebase account before proceeding.
    In the next step, you should be able to download the google-services.json file. After downloading the file, make sure to copy it inside the app/ folder of your Android project. You can consult & hire Flutter developers to impalement this solution or to built a perfect enterprise level application for your business.

Android Manifest

  • Add Below code snippet.

<action android:name=”FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK” />

<category android:name=”android.intent.category.DEFAULT” />


Add these lines to [project]/android/build.gradle

dependencies {

classpath ‘’

classpath ‘’


Add these lines to [project]/android/app/build.gradle

dependencies {  implementation fileTree(dir: “libs”, include: [“*.jar”])  implementation ‘androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0’  implementation ‘androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:1.1.3’  implementation ‘’  implementation ‘’   // Add the SDK for Firebase Cloud Messaging  testImplementation ‘junit:junit:4.12’  androidTestImplementation ‘androidx.test.ext:junit:1.1.1’  androidTestImplementation ‘androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.2.0’ } apply plugin: ‘’


In this article, we have learned about Implement Push Notification in Flutter?

Thanks for Reading!!!
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