How Can Gay Men Start Families? Egg Donation, Adoption, and Surrogacy

How Can Gay Men Start Families? Egg Donation, Adoption, and Surrogacy

Do you want to have kids with your partner? The world of gay fatherhood, egg donors, adoption, and surrogacy can be hard for gay couples and men to figure out.

Gay Couples: Adoption or Surrogacy

Gay men looking to become fathers should first consider adoption or surrogacy. Adoption can be a quicker and more affordable way to be a father and allow you to have children of different ages. Adoption is a way to contribute to society and the child’s future positively. However, the biological parents of an adopted child may change their minds before or shortly after the child is born. The parents may have to let the child know about their adoption status, which can be difficult for both the child and them. Uncertainties that could affect this decision include unknown medical histories or genetic backgrounds of birth parents or the circumstances in which the child was born. These factors can harm the child’s health.

Although the surrogacy process is more expensive and takes longer, gay parents have more control. The most secure legal frameworks for gay surrogacy options are contractual agreements with the surrogate. This is especially true in California and other states, ensuring the child is placed with the parents following birth.

Gay Surrogacy Options: Considerations

The next step in surrogacy is to decide if one or both of the potential fathers will be genetic fathers. One partner can desire to be the genetic father while the other might not, which is a simple decision. One embryo can be transferred from one father to create twins or transferred sequentially.

It cannot be easy to choose a surrogate father, and we have found that open communication between the fathers is crucial at this stage. You should also consider your preferences, goals, and family history.

These are some ideas to consider, plan for, or discuss.

What do you think about twins? Each father could donate his sperm to fertilize eggs from different egg donors.

If twins are not an option, you might consider having two children with different genetic fathers.

What is your fertility specialist’s opinion? One father may have sperm that is stronger than the other.

Take into account your family’s medical history. When making a final decision, it is essential to consider your family’s history of severe medical conditions.

Do you have any physical traits that you want to see in your child? These traits can be a sign of genetic parenthood.

Finding an Egg Donor for Gay Couples

After choosing the genetic father(s), the next step is to select an egg donor. Consider these factors when choosing an egg donor:

  • The ethnic background of the donor
  • Medical and genetic history
  • Self-described personality traits

One of the most desirable aspects of egg donation is the ability to choose an egg donor. Multiple embryos can be created using the father’s egg sperm and donor eggs. The embryos are frozen, allowing couples to continue building their families with the same genetic material. Rite Options Egg Donation Agency in New York follows strict guidelines in selecting and screening egg donors. This helps to ensure that a healthy pregnancy is possible and that the baby is healthy.

The Right Surrogate Mother

Prospective parents must choose an egg donor and then go through the legal process to create a contract agreement. We have high standards for surrogates and are open to working with women willing to be surrogate mothers for gay couples or individuals.

It is essential to choose the birthplace, which usually corresponds with the state where the surrogate resides. California is the leader in the country for progressive surrogacy laws; however, many other states are now following California’s lead. It’s important to know that in recent years, gay fathers who are U.S. citizens and use surrogates who live outside the U.S. have had trouble getting their children to be citizens of the U.S.

The birth certificate will list the biological father as the baby’s father. However, some areas may require the non-genetic dad to adopt the child to be considered the legal guardian. These challenges can be avoided by consulting an expert in surrogacy law.

Find Out More About Egg Donation for Gay Men and Surrogacy

Surrogacy consultants are women who have served as surrogates and have been surrogate moms for gay couples. They have a long track record of helping individuals and couples, straight and LGBTQ+, to become parents. They have also worked with parents from the United States and people living abroad. They will help you navigate the process and address any issues you may face.

To speak with our patient coordinator, don’t hesitate to contact us at if you have any questions regarding gay fatherhood.