Dealing with problematic children

problematic children

Before we know how we can deal with a problematic child, we have to understand which kids come under the category of problematic. A student who constantly misbehaves in the video classes over the LMS portal out of spite is problematic but someone who truly has a medical condition and cannot control themselves should not be considered problematic but only an unfortunate condition they have. Yet this is only an example.

Meaning of problematic children

A student who is particularly difficult to handle in a classroom, teach and control during activities, especially with a lack of self-control and behaving disruptively towards other students and teachers is known as a problematic child. They are a source of trouble for the teacher, and no method seems to work for them when an educator tries to deal with them. 

How to deal with a problematic child?

Here are some guidelines laid by most school management systems;

Patience is the key

This is the compulsory rule when dealing with students, problematic or not. It might be difficult to practice since teachers have to deal with numerous students in a day and patience is not something that they have when it comes to unnecessary misbehaviors in the classroom. Teachers should prepare themselves for whatever problematic behavior they would face, and look at the situation from a unique perspective. Never be afraid to walk away from the situation and ask an expert for help or guidance.

Understand the Reason

As teachers learn to remain patient with the problematic students, they must think about what is causing the child to behave in this way. Is it a cry for attention, is it because of some family issues, or are these behaviors symptoms of some sort of mental troubles they might be going through? For this, teachers need to monitor the child constantly and understand their behavioral patterns. This is where parent-teacher meetings come in where the guardians can fill in their teacher on some facts they might not have been aware of previously.

Don’t take the dominant approach

Being dominant with a child and forcing them to be quiet or be well-behaved is not the right approach, although it might be effective when practiced aggressively or violently. It might also take the form of corporal punishment if teachers are too dominant. When teachers are bossy towards their children, they can ruin their relationship and the student might even turn to seek revenge. Educators don’t want them to be vengeful. They should respect the child and expect the same in return.

Do the opposite of what they expect

Sometimes the students expect a teacher to behave a certain way when they are being disruptive or problematic in the classroom. For example, if a teacher is holding online classes over an LMS portal, some students might intentionally return to not be able to hear them or understand a concept and they keep asking silly questions. Teachers become annoyed by such behavior and this annoyance is reflected throughout the lesson as they become even more cranky when the child continues this behavior.

The child expects this response. Acting the exact opposite of what they expect might tick them off early on and the child might become even more problematic for a few more classes, but this behavior slowly dies down when students observe that their misbehaviors do not have the same impact on the teacher while the teacher instead offers them help and remains patient. This is a lesson for them about mutual respect and care.

What a child expects from teachers

Leaving aside all the behaviors, pictures should never forget that at the end of the day it is a child that they are dealing with and this child should be treated with equal love and respect, irrespective of how they behave at times. Children learn to grow and behave properly only under the guidance of a teacher. Here is what teachers should provide to their students, sometimes when they expect it and most times when they don’t expect it;

  • Mutual love, care, and respect.
  • Acceptance of their emotions and feelings.
  • Encouragement and motivation even for the simplest tasks.
  • No comparison with other students since it might hurt them.
  • Patience, guidance, and a positive atmosphere.

Punishments are never a way to deal with problematic children, and educators can overcome the boulder of problems in the problematic child and turn them into someone well behaved only through constant efforts in a positive manner.